About Justin

I’m Justin K. Reeve, and I’ve been the web manager for Weber School District in Utah since 2005. I have a passion for educational technology, and I love discovering new tech tools that help teachers engage their students better. I’m responsible for coming up with new web technology strategies for the district, and building the web sites to accommodate our parents, teachers, administrators, and students. I have a B.S. in Computer Science from Weber State University, and a Masters in Educational Technology from Boise State University, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching.
Before my career in educational technology, I worked for private companies in various programming, database administration, and web development positions. I’m one of the founding members of the Venture Academy charter school in Ogden, Utah, and developed and implemented the school’s technology plan. I’m also a technology consultant for Quest Academy, the Utah ASCD, Microsoft Production Studios, GroupLink, and serve on the board of the Utah Council of the International Reading Association.
Also, see http://christmas.justinreeve.com for some of my original music.


  • Name (required) (15 years)

    Hi Justin, my name is Anthony and I am the owner and creator of yoursimspot.com. Right now I offer free regions to educatiors that are interested in developing and testing education tools with in the opensim environment. I have notice on the web that you work with in the education industry and that your interested in working with Sloodle in opensim and would like to extend the offer for you to use my services for free. If your interested you can contact me at [email protected] Thank you for your time and I do hope to hear from you.

  • Jeffrey (14 years)

    Justin is awesome!! He helped me make my awesome website! Keep up the great work J-Dog!

  • Dave Giusti (14 years)

    Hi Justin,
    I want to let you know that we released a new version of Freepath a couple of weeks back. To refresh your memory, you can drag-and-drop PowerPoint slides, documents, videos, audio, and web sites into Freepath. This is a great tool for those who want to give engaging media-rich presentations, but want to avoid the hassle of embedding media inside their PowerPoint slides.
    I invite you to give the new version a test drive: https://www.freepath.com/Store/GetTrial
    Also, I do a weekly webinar every Wednesday at 9am PST where I go over features and answer questions. Visit the following web page 10 minutes before 9am and there will be a link to join the webinar: http://www.freepath.com/Live If this time doesn’t work for you, let me know a good time and I can set up a demo for you.
    Best regards,
    Dave Giusti
    Office 916.504.2510 ext. 115

  • Irena (14 years)

    Hi, Justin,
    I’m the author and owner of usconversation.com, an ESL instructional website. I need your help/expertise in choosing the classroom management system for my website. Please contact me. Thank you very much.

  • Nastasiya Koval (13 years)

    Hi Justin!
    Since you are into learning technology, it might be interesting for you to know about the software which enables teachers to ask questions to their students and the students are able to respond via mobile internet, TXT messages or Twitter. The reactions come in real-time and appear automatically and anonymously on the presenter’s screen, it enables teachers to create dialogue with their students instead of monologue.
    Here’s a 1-minute video of what I mean: http://tinyurl.com/3oudku2
    Curious to hear your thoughts about it.

  • David W. Deeds (13 years)

    Remember me? We met at the VWBPE Conference. I’ve sent you e-mails via your Second Life name, but I can’t remember it! Have you had much luck importing Google Sketchup creations into OpenSim? How did you do it? Thanks!

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