2.1: Print Technologies
“Print technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials, such as books and staticvisual materials, primarily through mechanical or photographic printing processes”
(Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 37). Print technologies include verbal text materials and visual
materials; namely, text, graphic and photographic representation and reproduction. Print
and visual materials provide a foundation for the development and utilization of the
majority of other instructional materials.
Educational Technology and Learning
A presentation about the relationship between educational technology and learning.
Instructional Design Project #1
0I just finished my first instructional design project. This was a challenging but personally rewarding assignment. I will admit that actually creating a context analysis, learner analysis, task analysis, survey, and assessments provides a lot more insight into how all the aspects of instructional design fit together, than just reading about it in a long-winded textbook.
Instructional Design Presentation
0Below is a presentation I created about some of my instructional design readings.